Curriculum Vitae - Florian Tuercke

1977                born in Nürnberg, Germany

1999-2005       studies at the Akademie der bildenden Künste (AdbK) Nürnberg, Germany

                        in the classes of Prof. Christine Colditz and Prof. Diet Sayler.

2003                nomination as “Meisterschüler” by Prof. Diet Sayler

2007                dioloma „Kunst und Öffentlicher Raum“ (art and public space) postgraduate studies

                        at Prof. Georg Winter (AdbK Nürnberg) Germany

grants and scholarships

2003               Leonhard- and Ida Wolf memorial award, Germany

2003               Rothary international art award, Germany

2004               art award of the the city of Höchstadt, Germany

2005               bavarian cultural award by e-on AG, Germany

2006               bavarian art award (Bavarian Stateministry for Science, Research and Art), Germany

2008               USA scholarship (Bavarian Stateministry for Science, Research and Art) , Germany

2008               Project support award by Stiftung Kunstfonds (URBAN AUDIO DeutschlandTour), Germany

2010               MediaArt GrandPrix “live1022” 3rd prize in the category “digital Turku”

                       European Capital of Culture 2011, Turku (Finland)

2011               Artist in residence at the Svenska Culture Foundation, Nykarleby, Finnland

2011               Nuernberg Scholarship, City of Nuernberg, Germany

2011               1st prize in the competition “Music in Architecture” of the University of Texas at Austin TX, USA

                       (for “hEAR TOuch LISTEN” in collaboration with Rene Rissland, GER)

exhibitions (selection)

2002               „1“, former Kunsthaus (art house) Nürnberg, Germany

2002               „2“, AdbK Nürnberg, Germany

2003               „3“, Epreskert, Budapest, Hungary

2004               „vor ort“, sculptors symposium, Rothenburg o.d. Tauber, Germany (catalogue)

2005               „gandhi paganini und“, AdbK Nürnberg

2005               „40 positionen, 32 Räume“, Museum für moderne Kunst, (catalogue), Hünfeld, Germany

2005               „khora“, sculptors symposium, Hiroshima, Japan (catalogue)

2005               „räumen“, art project in public space, Hildesheim, Germany

2005               „motiva“, Austria Center, (catalogue), Vienna, Austria

2006               „stadt-akustik“, Museum Zirndorf (solo show), Zirndorf, Germany

2006               „blaue nacht“, art project in public space, Nürnberg

2006               „re-mig(r)atio“, forschungsgruppe_f, Budapest

2006               „khora 2“, sculptors symposium, (catalogue)  AdbK Nürnberg, Germany

2006               „FOR EXAMPLE  S,F,N,G,L,B,C“, forschungsgruppe_f, Shedhalle, Zürich, Switzerland

2007               „Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis 06“ Galerie der Künstler, Munich, Germany

2007               „little germany“, forschungsgruppe_f, (supported by Stiftung Bipolar), Stuttgart, Germany

2007               STOCK – contemporary art show, Theatro Garibaldi, Palermo, Italy

2007               „little hungary“, forschungsgruppe_f, (supported by Stiftung Bipolar, catalogue), Budapest, Hungary

2007               STOCK – contemporary art show, (catalogue),  3hoch3, Nürnberg

2007               “offene Klimastaton“ Urban Research Institute, Nürnberg

2007               „URBAN AUDIO CityMappingNürnberg“ (solo show) Kreisgalerie, Nürnberg, Germany

2007               „Human Lights“, Kunsthaus, Nürnberg, Germany

2008               „Art in Art“, Kunstgalerie Karlovy Vary, Carlsbad, Czech Republic

2008               "Gleis0", Kunstraeme Bayern, main railway Station, Fuerth, Germany

2009               "Myh", forschungsgruppe_f, Kunstraum Munich, Germany

2009                “oil on canvas” former AEG, Nürnberg, Germany

2010                “v_kunst” VideoArt-Festival, Frankfurt a. M. Germany

2010                “Hamburg, Giessen, Offenbach”, Hafen2, Offenbach, Germany

2010                “Kreis-im-Wald” international Landart-Symposium, Reichswald Nuernberg, Germany

2011                “tunedcity Tallinn”, symposium on sound and public space, Tallinn, Estonia

2011                “NEUZUGANG” solo-exhibition, KREIS-Galerie Nuernberg, Germany

2011                “transvisualia”, Festival, Gdynia, Sopot, Gdansk, Poland

2011                “Deelstaat”, symposium / workshop in public space by Sandarbh (IND) and Extrapool (NL), Nijmengen, Netherlands

2011                “descours”, Festival in public space, New Orleans LA USA

projects and performances

2004               „145hz“ , Franziskanerkirche, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

2005               „pagandhi“, in collaboration with Ladislav Zajac, AdbK Nürnberg, Germany

2005               „145hz für franziskus“, Franziskanerkirche, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

2006               „deck_9“, Katharinenparkhaus (parking house), Nürnberg, Germany

2006                „analog“, Johanniskirche, Plauen, Germany

2007               „zwischenräume“ in collaboration with Laura Konjetzky, Galerie der Künstler, Munich, Germany

2007               „CityMappingNürnberg“, series of short performances in public space, Nuernberg, Germany

2008               URBAN AUDIO AmericanSoundsTour, performances in public space of 27 US-American cities

2008               "inter continental collaborations I", flatproductions, NEXUS foundation for todays art, Philadelphia PA, USA

2009               "bassbediener vs. euroboom", NEXUS foundation for todays art, Philadelphia PA, USA

2009               "inter continental collaborations II", flatproductions in collaboration with perpetual mvnt<>snd,

                        NEXUS foundation for todays art, Philadelphia PA, USA

2010                “OnlineFlashmob”, dotcon-project, in collaboration with Cyrena Dunbar

2010                URABN AUDIO DeutschlandTour, SoundArt-Project in the public space of 16 German Cities

2011                URBAN AUDIO Tallinn, Sound- and Media Art project in public space, Tallinn, Estonia

2011                URBAN AUDIO Turku, Sound- and Media Art project in public space, Turku, Finland

teaching, workshops and lectures

2007               Audio-Workshop, AdBK Nürnberg

2007               Workshop „Urban Strategies“ with forschungsgruppe_f, for AIAS (Association International ArtSchools) at HDK Zürich (CH)

2010               artist-talk at Novia University for applied science (department of fine arts) Nykarleby, Finland

2011               workshop “soundart in public space”, Novia University for applied science (department of fine arts) Nykarleby, Finland

2011               artist-talk at platform, Vaasa, Finland

2011               artist talk for tunedcity Tallinn, Estonia

2011               lecture at helikoosolek, Tartu, Estonia


-     Since 2005 member of forschungsgruppe_f

-     founding member of Urban Research Institute

  1. -    2005 - 2007  3hoch3 Nuernberg, action gallery in collaboration with Ignazio Tola und Ladislav Zajac.

  2. -    2008/9 FLATproductions with Allison Lorenzen (USA)

  3. -    2010 .con with Cyrena Dunbar (CAN/GER)

  4. -    further collaborations with: 

                William Bilwa Costa (USA)

                Emily Sweeny (USA)

                Christian Schroeder (A)

                Dennis Tan (SGP/GER)

                Christian Weiss (GER)

                Cyrena Dunbar (CAN/GER)


Florian Tuercke

Weimarer Str. 10

90491 Nürnberg
